Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I, Erik Olavi Vesterinen make these 13 commitments to conjoin the 2 most profound forces in the Universe: Myself and God

(Symbolization: "Myself" = Yourself: The center of your own universe and "God" = Whatever celestial imaginative reflection of the subjective self that you choose to make it out to be).

1. I will stop envisioning a world where humanity has failed us and be the change I want to see on a daily basis, where the right way is the only way. In hopes that each and every day, one person becomes inspired and decides to make positive change in their very life. Which will ultimately trigger that person to inspire another so that this domino effect will revolutionize a brighter tomorrow opposed to the darkness that the news media, government, religion and our preceding history has made it out to be.

2. I will not let the blind lead the blind astray. I will be a leader in my circle of influence and my community to help steer people in the right direction so that they will never have to conform to the corrupt system we have all become accustomed to. A system which has been strategically put into place thousands of years ago with the intention to distract us from what is right and lead us towards mediocrity rather than fulfilling what our true soul's intentions are.

3. I will have the will power to fight off temptation because I know that if I resist today, my soul will triumph greatly tomorrow. If I can continually evade the wicked ways of the world that tempt me, I will lead myself astray of dis-eases and towards spiritual and eternal glorification. Every day is a test, it is how you choose to act which will ultimately decide your fate. Think about it.

4. I will confront my fears one by one to prove to myself that I can overcome anything that the universe attempts to overwhelm me with. What I do not confront could destroy what will become of my destiny. Instead, I will choose to bring forth and conquer what is within to save the fate of what lies ahead.

5. I will never allow the love of power overcome the power of love. Greed is the adversary of adulation and I will not allow myself or anyone in my circle of influence be persuaded into the fallacy of power. In a perfect world love will conquer all omnipotence of the governmental sacrilegious and religious leaders of our time and only then will civil rights in equality be known world wide. If we all believed this, the world would change.

6. I will learn to love myself first and teach the same to my own so we can shine love on the world and enlighten every person that comes into each and every one of our lives. I will chose to shower light, love and generosity onto humanity. In hopes that one day we will abolish alienation between people of all creed and color. Our generation will have the chance to do this.

7. I will not allow poverty to keep growing. I will not be ignorant to souls which have been kicked and beaten down in our society. I will connect with the people at their most helpless state by donating not money, but uplifting conversation and a helping hand in the right direction to steer their blind wretched souls towards a rich and healthy mind once again.

8. I will honor and respect my parents for they gave me life and sacrificed their very lives to transmit the life in which I have today. I will live vicariously through their successes and learn from their failures so I do not repeat the same mistakes. I will give back to my parents by living the kind of life that would make them proud and continuing to live the legacy in which my mother and father have passed down in my name.

9. I will not allow people to impose upon me for the better sake of themselves. Instead I will use universal synergy to create a win-win type relationship where every action ends with the reaction "thank you" and "you're welcome". I will never take advantage of another person. I will give twice as much as I receive and never hesitate to help out a friend or stranger in need.

10. I will stop working for "the man" and start working towards my dreams. I will only strive towards what I am passionate about. If I choose to work for the dollar rather than what I am meant to live for, I bring forth death and mediocrity into my life. I choose to only manifest what I am gifted with and what my soul's purpose is calling me for.

11. I will not allow others to influence my thoughts and steer me in the wrong direction. The haters, dream killers and religious simpletons will try to shoot down my beliefs but I will protect them. After all, they are mine and I believe we deserve a right to our own beliefs. Never let anyone grab hold of your dreams, you have to grip onto what you truly believe in otherwise it will vanish in the hands of others.

12. I will not allow the voices in the back of my head tell me "I can't". If I choose to believe those voices, I have been defeated. In times of struggle and desperation, I will dig deep and find the answer. Even if it means short term pain because I know in the end there will be long term gain. I will not give myself an excuse to give up on anything that my heart desires. I will not ask myself "Will this be difficult?" But instead, "Will this be worth it?". And the answer is always "Yes".

13. I will not fear death for life is too short to waste a single second living life in fear. I choose to live in the present, not the past nor the future because if tomorrow never comes, I will always know that I got the most out of today. I will throw away yesterday's sorrows, stop worrying about what is going to happen tomorrow and open up today's present because that is what life is. A gift.

I will follow through on these testaments and allow my commitments to direct necessary change which will righteously propel positive influx towards a better tomorrow for myself, my loved ones, my unborn children and the people in this world which need it more than I. I believe these bold words and audacious commitments will alter the outcome for the face of humanity and possibly make change which could inevitably metamorphose the course of our future generations and make for a lucid reality tomorrow.

One Love

Knocking on Heavens Door

I have some questions for You Lord
It seems my mind has gone into a fight
I struggle every day
I can't decipher between what's wrong
or what's right
I look for You in books
I'm heavy on wikipedia
I turned off my cable
Too much bullshit in the media
They got us thinking that Muslims plan to bomb
But real Muslims believe in paradise
and resist the Shaitan
I see a spiritual warfare going down on this earth
But You claim we are saved
If we succumb to new birth?
There are believers dying every day
This shit is real
Faith is blind like justice
When you've had your last meal
Wait or it's that blasphemy
it's logical it has to be
If I don't look like my Father then
the way I live is bastardly
Naturally that's confusion to a
young follower of Christ
Taught that if you don't know Jesus
then you lead a hollow life
Never question the fact that Jesus
was Jewish and not a Christian
Or that Christianity was law
according to politicians
I have too much on my mind
So I need to write down my thoughts
Looking through the glass
I know this is a lot to touch
Still I know enough to know
I don't know much...

Love Begins

Love Begins

The love I see in your eyes is burning like a wild fire
Firey and hot but at the same time, calm and soothing
When I look at you, you glow like the Sun
Shining your compassion and love onto this world
Because you are the 'Light'
And when your light shines on me
It burns right through me
Alas! Knowing the Sun walks this Earth
Giving me great comfort
I would intentionally walk into your hot fire
Knowing it would burn me
But even more so I would know
You inflict 'burning' passion into my life
It is you, the one who pierces right through me
And when I stare into your soul, I love blindly
'You da, you da' best I could ever ask for
There have been none greater, nor will there ever be
For you are the Heavens and the Earth
All in one
Your Light calls me
And beckons me to become my best
But tonight we die
To awake born again
As we walk towards the light together
To achieve something beyond our imagination