Monday, September 6, 2010

"Darkness" and "The Light"

The polarities of life are extreme examples of two basic human constitutes or tendencies. There have been many ways of characterizing them. For example, male and female, intellectual and emotional, consciousness and the unconscious, yin and the yang, spirit and the flesh, sun and the moon, unity and multiplicity, light and the darkness, and so on. Each pair is a metaphor for the pulling tension of the polarities in our lives. The heading I have chosen to express this tension is "darkness" and "the light" because they are large resonant terms with religious connotations and I am not a religious man. Although I do think this subject needs to be brought up in a general unbiased context and discussed on a more regular basis. We tend to shy away from anything outside of what's going on in pop culture. Our conversations are based around useless garbage like Jersey Shore and Kim Kardashian. This piece is not to be understood as a theological concept, but rather as a symbolization of bettering my own understanding as to where we came from and how we were brought into this world beyond our mother's womb. So let's begin with the innermost part of us. The spirit or soul.

I have always wondered if there were a difference between the two words associated with inner being, 'Spirit' and 'Soul'. Since I was a child, I have always been fascinated with the idea that where is this innate omen inside of us that leads to a higher power or 'other side'. Thus, I did a little research on the conjunction of the two metaphorical mystical forces and I came up somewhat of a creative illustration of the two.

Spirit is expressed in metaphors of light. The spirit flies and soars like Peter Pan with an imagination beyond our comprehension and an age which never changes. That's why you hear the old expressions, "he has an old soul" it is referring to the ageless spirit. Our spirit longs for transcendence, to rise above the world. The spirit is 100% pure. Pure reason, pure philosophy, pure mathematics, pure light, pure love.

Soul is expressed in metaphors of darkness. It can only be visible to other spirits. The soul is not transcendent but immanent, lying hidden within the world. It prefers the twilight to the light, where things mingle and worlds intersect. In contrast to our flesh, the spirit resists disease and flees death. Soul seeks death like it's own proper realm. The soul savors death, whose bitterness is an initiation. Spirit leaps over death and its darkness to emphasize the light of rebirth. Where does the spirit and soul come from?

The spirit and soul travel metaphysically into our flesh from a higher source of power that is beyond our understanding. Buddhists call it our "Chi" and Christians call it "Holy Spirit". Regardless of the fact, quite simply we are a creation, sculpted in the perfect image of a higher consciousness much like every other beautiful aspect of Mother Earth. This is something we cannot grasp because it is such an intricate process that not even scientists have come to figure it out. Just take a look at a strand of DNA under a microscope, it is beyond unexplainable how the aesthetics of how we are created came to be.

Since we are this creation, that does not make us pure. Just like any other figure in mother nature's essence, we can be corrupted and used for an unintended purpose due to free will and the gift of consciousness. Furthermore, in us is this light and this is not a metaphor. They are real photons our bodies emit. On the flip side, darkness is not a synonym for evil as depicted in religious terms. It is a relative absence of light, and is necessary for any creation to be viewed by us. There cannot be light without the dark. Much like the rotational sphere of our universe, if we always had sunlight and no darkness, the world would rot and everything would be destroyed and vise versa. Much like how there is no duality such that one is better than the other. In every human we have been given the virtue of balance. How one chooses to use this virtue is up to free will. If the balance is distorted and the one takes ascendancy over the other, there will be no good which could come from it. Thus, if there is a God, he would have wanted us to have a perfect balance and live in harmony with the universe, mother nature, and each other. Never having excess of one thing to the point where the other is neglected. Abuse of anything, even of the light is of negative nature. We are the darkness. We are the light. The kingdom is within us and all around us. Even as illustrated in biblical scripture.

“The Kingdom Of God is within you, and all around you. ” Luke 17:21

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