I once was lost but now I've found.. a major piece to this puzzle we call life. I decided to put the poetry into motion and piece some of the puzzle together. Although I was missing many pieces, I had found a few of the key components to living a truly happy life again.. and the puzzle pieces spelt out peace.
Not peace like the hippies will tell you, in that we should make love not war. Not coming to peace, like a broken hearted soul would explain to you when they finally mended theirs back together but peace in the sense that in life, God could call us forth into a new beginning. Following a new interpersonal relationship with Him, yourself and the most heavenly devine nature one could fathom. I am starting to believe I am definitely on the right track to getting there. I am not close but I'm definitely envisioning things in which I never could before. Giving Him my old life, my old stresses and my old fears and old beliefs, whitening them out with something called the "Holy Spirit", in that your sou is broken down, destroyed and made new. I've concluded today's thinking and broken it down into a short synopsis of my own individual intuition mixed in with an interpretation to implement your soul into an illustration of powerful inner introspect... how's that for alliteration? I even amazed myself there.
Another new quarrel. What is happiness? Every year it changes for me and now I am finding that it does not lay in riches or materials but experiences and dreams lived into reality. I find that happiness is like a salmon, you swim upstream your whole life, looking for that something, just to find the reward is much greater than you could have ever expected because of the journey endured to get there. I've had these crazy epiphany's where I feel like one day I will see the a greater love given to me than the love I have given back to this world. If I can imagine it then why can't it be possible? But fundamentally there are certain things that need to happen in precedent to pursing my destination for eternal happiness.
Firstly, I believe it is crucial that you find your soul's symbolization of what is true inside of yourself. Building a divine mind takes a lot of self discipline and self respect which I am still in the process of working on. After being jaded many times in the past, the struggle to find undying trust in someone again is an upstream battle. Despite what the naysayers will tell you, I think if we all see the good in one another the positivity that will come out of it will change the way you view the world and even more so, the way others will see it as well. Even something as simple as taking an outsider's outside the box outlook on life and piecing his journey to yours and really sharing the gifts of life with one another, I believe that this is what really makes the world go round. In that, I want to spark minds of this generation to start thinking out of the box and question traditional thought until they find the absolute truth because in 23 years of life I have yet to meet one person who claims to know the truth based on their knowledge or belief system alone. I refuse to rebuke, rather choose to relate and restore. One love.